How a potential client or customer decides to use your business

Someone is looking for you. They need you. Maybe you are a Doctor. Maybe you are an Auto Mechanic. Maybe you are a cosmetologist. Someone out there needs what you have to offer. How is it then, that they decide whether or not to make that phone call? Here’s the answer that gets straight to the point: your virtual presence. What? That’s right. Exactly 85% of the market will decide whether or not to use your services or place of business based on your virtual presence. If you do not have a website, or if you have a website that looks like it belongs in an antique museum, you are hurting your image and your potential to earn more money.

These days, people judge a  website just like they do a Michael Kors bag vs. a discount store bag. Point2Point can analyze and create a website for you that will make heads turn. Not convinced yet? Stay tuned- we are going to bring you, on a regular basis, actual clients and their websites that are a testimony as to Point2Point’s sheer wisdom and marketing savvy!  Make it “point” to call Point2Point today to see what we can do for you!   Ph: 504-895-2284

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