Michael’s Blog

March 17, 2015

Big changes coming up April 21st

point2point Design has been busy getting ready for the April 21st deadline when the Web is going to change(for the better). What, you don’t know what’s […]
October 22, 2014

Awkward Wealth in Networking Group Photo

I dunno why I had my hands behind my back. It was early and I had only had 1 cup of coffee, not in my best […]
October 13, 2014

November is National WHOIS Awareness Month

A very common thing we run into as Web site designers and Web/e-mail hosts is incorrect WHOIS contact data causing unnecessary and easily avoidable downtime. The […]
September 18, 2014

WordPress attacks on the rise

I’m constantly blown away by the attacks we see on our WordPress sites. The amount of security that is required to keep a web site being […]
August 25, 2014

Technology: The decline of point and shoot cameras and why it matters

I’ve noticed lately that you almost never see “point and shoot” cameras anymore. Why does this matter to me- you may ask. For a few reasons: […]
August 4, 2014

How a potential client or customer decides to use your business

Someone is looking for you. They need you. Maybe you are a Doctor. Maybe you are an Auto Mechanic. Maybe you are a cosmetologist. Someone out […]
July 21, 2014

Client Spotlight- Dr. Oliver Sartor – prostate cancer research

Point2Point had the privilege and honor of creating and developing a website that promotes prostate cancer research. When interviewed about the new website that Point2point created, […]
March 7, 2014

I have a client wanting to pay in Bitcoin. How do I spend that?

I got a e-mail earlier today which I felt deserved a blog post. It’s funny you asked that, I’ve been discussing bitcoin for the last 4 […]
February 12, 2014

A Conference Call in Real Life

This hits way too close to home! I think the dogs barking in the background was my favorite part. Surprised no one was naked tho.