Usually, point2point will create all of the pages you need based on the Needs Analysis meetings, so it is rare that you will need to create a new page. However, if a new page is needed, follow the steps below. 

  1. After you have logged in to the Administration Dashboard, click Add New under Pages (see Figure 2: Edit/Add New Pages Area). The Add New Page screen will display: 

Add New Page loads. 

Figure 4: Add New Pages Area

Figure 4: Add New Page Screen 

  1. In the Title area, type in the title of your new page (About, History, Contact, etc.) 
  2. In the Body area (below the editing toolbars), enter text for the page and/or add images (see Add Images to Your Page for instructions). 
  3. When you have finished adding content to your new page, you can: 
  • Click the Save Draft ( ) button and save this page as a draft. The page will not be published to your site. You can come back later and make further changes, publish the page, or delete the draft. 
  • Click the Preview ( ) button. The page will display in a new window for your review. This is how your page will look when it is published. When you are finished reviewing the page, close the preview window. You will be returned to the Add New Page screen. 
  • Click the Publish ( ) button. The new page will be published to your site. To view the new page, click the View Page ( ) link at the top of the screen to view the page live. (The Add New Page screen will switch to the Edit Page screen once your page has been published.) 

Figure 5: View Page Link